Camp Rules

  1. Personal conduct of all campers will be in keeping with the Christian ideals of the camp in speech, behavior, and dress.
  2. Respect others.
  3. Be on time to all camp activities, unless excused by the nurse or directors/co-directors.
  4. Participate in all camp activities, unless excused by the nurse or directors/co-directors.
  5. Stay on camp grounds for the duration of the session.
  6. Boys do not enter the girls’ area of camp, and girls do not enter the boys’ area of camp, under any circumstances.
  7. Rough housing, pranking or fighting (physical or verbal) will not be allowed. No one is to be thrown or pushed into the lake.
  8. Decency and modesty in dress will be expected at all times. This applies to length, tightness, and transparency of clothing, as well as messages and symbols on clothing. A camper’s clothing should not present a distraction to the purpose of camp. If in doubt, leave it at home. If an adult asks you to change, go change. Be aware that you will be moving around during the day, so please make sure you are modest from all angles.
  9. Campers are expected to be clean, and observe rules of good hygiene. This includes a daily shower.
  10. Each camper is responsible for his or her own belongings. He or she will be responsible for any lost items.
  11. Automobiles must remain parked and locked for the duration of the week, unless a director grants permission.
  12. Use of phones/ipods will be at the discretion of the director. Cameras are always welcome. Please leave other electronics at home. Directors reserve the right to confiscate any electronics that break this rule, OR if the director feels that they are being disruptive. All confiscated items will be returned at the end of the week.
  13. No weapons allowed on campgrounds under any circumstance. Toy props that might violate this rule should be checked in with the session director upon arrival at camp.
  14. No fireworks.
  15. Alcohol, illicit drugs, tobacco products and vape pens are strictly prohibited on camp grounds.
  16. Submission of registration is considered as an agreement to follow and uphold all SMC rules. If these rules are broken, the director reserves the right to dismiss any counselor or camper from the session for the year. There shall be no refund on registration fees if the camper is dismissed due to poor behavior or chooses to not complete the full week of camp for some other reason. Approved 10