- First Session -

Matthew 14:22-33
My name is David Gustafson and I am the Director of SMC first session. Myself as well as my Co-Directors, Julie Porter and Brody Gustafson are again excited for this summer camp session involving your children with Christ grounded activities. Activities such as Bible classes, the kids favorite singspiration time and camp fire devos, Other activities include swimming with certified lifeguards on duty, fishing with counselors which help your children catch a fish, clean the fish, and then eat their catch at the end of the week. Fun crafts everyday, Lego builds, team sports led and monitored by counselors, 3 meals a day cooked by the best cooks around and a registered nurse on staff. Get out of the boat is the theme this year based on the scripture found in the gospel of Matthew chapter 14: 22-33. The apostle Peter got down out of the boat (vs 29) by his faith in Jesus, he walked on water. Are we using our faith in Jesus to overcome obstacles or struggles which come our way. Are we willing to step out of the boat in faith? The staff is looking forward to spending time with your children this summer. God bless you.
David Gustafson