Registration information

Payment information

Some of our sessions require a deposit in order to reserve your place, check the event page for more information about your session.

Teen Retreat requires full payment in order to register.

Is someone else handling your payment? – This could include your church, relative or any sponsor. If church is handling your payment then please ask them to contact us.

What kind of information is needed to register?

Registration requires basic information such as date of birth, contact information, and medical information (medication, allergies, insurance information).

Can campers register themselves?

Any camper under 18 years old must be registered by a legal parent or guardian. There are releases and waivers that require a parent or guardians electronic signature.

Do staff members need to register?

Yes, staff members must register however they must contact and be approved by the session director in order to receive the registration link.

Camper Responsibility and Special Accommodations Acknowledgement

At Silver Maple Camp, we strive to provide a safe, inclusive, and enriching environment for all campers. Our program is based in an outdoor setting, where campers are expected to manage a typical level of self-care, personal responsibility, and sound judgment appropriate for their age group.

Our staff is made up of dedicated volunteers who work hard to create a meaningful camp experience but have a limited ability to provide specialized medical, emotional, or behavioral support. If a camper requires care, supervision, or accommodations beyond what is typically expected—whether physical, emotional, or behavioral—we kindly ask families to contact us prior to registration. Special accommodations must be requested and approved in advance to ensure that we can appropriately meet the needs of the camper while maintaining the safety and care of all participants.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in helping us create a positive and supportive experience for all campers.